

Please tell us who you are, where you are from & how we can reach you.
We'll need your distributor information too.

Your School District’s Contact Info

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Your Local Distributor’s Contact Info

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This is where you tell us what you would like to see in your LEARN MORE digital magazine.
Select the FEATURED FOOD you will menu & serve for each of the four weeks in
March and then select the NUTRITION EDUCATION you want to pair with each of those foods.
You will receive a proof of your CUSTOMIZED publication about 2 weeks after submission.

Week 1

Invalid Input

Week 2

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Week 3

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Week 4

Invalid Input


Please tell us how many cases of Food & Nutrition (ES1001) you will need for each week.
Simply provide the number of servings and it will auto calculate the number of cases.
Click on the calendar to add your desired delivery date(s).

Please enter the number of servings.
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Please enter a valid date
Please enter the number of servings.
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Please enter a valid date
Please enter the number of servings.
Invalid Input

Please enter a valid date
Please enter the number of servings.
Invalid Input

Please enter a valid date

Questions? Contact Alisha Beasley at 248-519-2418 or
